Abhimanyu ( Raghu Rajan) ko kisne mara ?? Analysis and lessons from Mahabharata


Disclaimer: ( The analogy is merely for analysis and take lessons in management and politics and not to criticize Swamy, FM or PM or to defend Rajan)

As such the topic was closed to us and I believe to most of other citizens of the country as everyone accepted the fate of the RBI governor with never before seen sympathy and word of appreciation. In fact it is good to see the growing public and industry participation and reaction in government affairs and the financial world which is good for our democracy.

But while listening to Prime Minister’s interview to Times Now (http://www.business-standard.com/article/economy-policy/grave-injustice-to-rajan-says-pm-116062701326_1.html) the thought again came as the PM defended Rajan in no uncertain terms. So if the PM believes in Rajan so much than the question comes why he was humiliated and forced to quit. Why no one came to the rescue when the time came, In other words why he was left fighting alone like Abhimanyu while everyone hurled arrows on the ‘Nihatha’ (disarmed) warrior. It is said that while Abhimanyu was begging for weapons from his Uncle Karna. he was stabbed from the back by Durmasana, son of Dushasana.

But more importantly the killing of Abhimanyu was a collective move inspired by Dronacharya, executed by Karna while all other participated.

The Rajan episode in recent times brought back memories from Mahabharata, the great warrior Abhimanyu, and his tragic end. Undoubtedly Abhimanyu was brave and took the enemies in the absence of his father to break the ‘Chakravyuh’ formation of the Kauravas. But he was also overconfident as seen by his decision to go alone to break the formation, which he knew in half and was handicapped to come back out it.

After his death there was huge mourning and even the enemy forces praised the young Abhimanyu for his war skills and courage. It can be also observed that in the end Abhimanyu was left with no arms to protect himself and still was killed against the ethics of war of that time. After Abhimanyu was killed, Karna has said, : “You will earn the respect of your enemies and peers. Yashashvi Bhava. ” (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Rajan-is-no-less-patriotic-he-loves-India-PM-Modi-ticks-off-Subramanian-Swamy/articleshow/52938520.cms)

It is also said that Abhimanyu didn’t receive proper backing from his own army and relatives when the time came, either due to delay or lack of coordination or inability to grasp the situation in the absence of Arjuna. Thus while Abhimanyu got killed due to tactical mistakes, the decision of Rajan also bears similarity to some extent. (http://www.deccanchronicle.com/business/economy/170516/arun-jaitley-is-non-committal-on-extension-of-raghuram-rajan-s-term.html).

The fight of ego was between Karna and Arjuna while Abhimanyu gets killed. Here the fight is between Swamy and Jaitley while Rajan has to sacrifice.

Like Abhimanyu, he was almost fighting alone the rising Indian inflation and depreciating rupee value, a very formidable situation under the circumstances as head of RBI. He did manage to keep both of them well under control. But when the time came for second inning he got a boot. He was also confident in his own skills and decisions and focussed only on one part while ignoring growth of the economy as per experts.

We are not analysing the merit or demerit of Rajan episode.Like Abhimanyu who was fighting the big war, death was a virtue. So the position of RBI is not permanent and Rajan is competent to get lucrative offers. Like Abhimanyu Rajan was also over confident about his own moves and may be didn’t take the advices of others seriously. But it is necessary to know who all are protagonists in the Rajan story and the lessons there of.

As in the case of Abhimanyu we all know the main protagonist i,e, there is Subramanian Swamy (Karna) for sure, who is learned but also has superiority complex like Karna and is eager to prove his wisdom and intellectual powers but is unable to do so. He nurtures differences at the personal and professional levels besides over managing economy. None the less there are others in the event, the role of whom merits attention.

The first and foremost responsibility to protect Abhimanyu was that of Arjuna. In the case of Rajan, it was that of the finance minster. By attacking Rajan, Swamy has effectively check mated Jaitley ( Arjuna) , as can be seen his attack on Arvind Subramanian and others. When one sacrifices the ‘Vajir’ or the Queen the next attack will be on King . This is a simple chess move. By removing Rajan, the irresistible Swamy can focus on the Knight (Ghoda) Rook (Hathi) and Bishop (Uut) , which in turn will make Jaitley vulnerable.

No surprise than the finance minister was seen scurrying to get party support to escape from further canons (http://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/jaitley-wants-bjp-to-act-against-swamy-s-friendly-fire-tirade-116062700424_1.html). When you don’t support and back your own man and allow him to fight alone you basically sacrifice him as in the case of Abhimanyu. Moreover sooner or later the arrows will start coming towards you too.

Next is the PM office who also remained a spectator like Bhishma while Abhimanyu got killed. It makes no sense to drop tears when the event has taken place. Had the PM said what he has said today (http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/policy/attacks-on-raghuram-rajan-unjust-he-is-as-patriotic-as-any-of-us-pm-narendra-modi/articleshow/52938366.cms)
things would have been different. Yes governor Rajan was going little in his own style but he could have been controlled and asked to pump the economy as desired. I am sure a word from the PM could have been good enough for Mr Rajan. Therefore the PM also need to share some of the blood that flowed out of RBI.The story of Bhishma repeats itself in all yugas and times.

Merely following the lines of Dharma without being practical is a spoiled virtue. It is necessary to respond to the call when it is required like Krishna did for Draupadi while Bhishma kept silence.

Than there are other characters and smaller kings and relatives who have played their role in the assassination of Abhimanyu and need to take their share of blames. In the case of Rajan too, a number of other players be it lobbyists, bankers, defaulters, opportunists, contenders, politicians, levellers and so many others who kept hurting the governor when he was disarmed and was unable to protect himself being regulated by the norms and discipline of and for maintaining required public decency of a public servant and holding a very high position as head of RBI governor.

Therefore it can be inferred that like Abhimanyu, Raghu Rajan was not preempted by any one person. It was a collective game of chess, where everyone participated in their own ways . Some were silent while some attacked openly and some stabbed in the back to prevent Rajan going for second term.

When you see formidable enemy you have to have a united and well coordinated force to take on the foe. Perhaps that is what the Pandavs failed to realise as the PM and FM in this case.

In retrospect it appears that perhaps the RBI governor did take a wrong decision in a hurry, like Abhimantu a who went alone. May be he should have waited for some more time. Or was the pressure mounting on him intolerable. May be we have to wait for an autobiography of Rajan to get the complete and authentic date wise account.

It is not that Rajan did a great job or a worst job. It is a prerogative of any government to keep a person of its choice. Also after making statements that were not in tune with government statements Rajan did make himself vulnerable. But the larger question is should the killing of Abhimanyu be called as ethical and as per norms. We need to think on the practices and methods that are adopted while appointing and removing people at high seat of power. They do not send wrong messages to the international community but they speak a lot about ourselves.
It will surely be forgotten in the hustle of life but for leaving a scar on the mind set of few who are sensitive. Hope the Prime Minister and the Finance minister will find some to ponder on the issue.

Meanwhile two months is not a big time when the RBI governor can speak freely from any platform that he wants to speak from.
The government it seems has to look for good cover in the days to come.
Samanvaya.( https://www.facebook.com/samanvayain/)
Dr. Asheesh Shah

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Asheesh Shah
Author: Asheesh Shah

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