India has to train her vast human resources . Govt and Sangh must focus on this aspect on an urgent basis. NCC like training need to be made compulsory.
When we tour the country or visit places, we cannot but remain shocked and surprised at the vast human resources that we have and the sacel at which we waste it. Everyone knows that one of the reasons that China has leapfrogged over us is the discipline it commands over its population. Compare our country with similar size and history but with a totally undisciplined kind and also without goals etc millions of youths standing on public ‘Chaurahas’ , gossiping, or chewing Pan/Guthkha , while also taking shots at girls and women at many places. In 16 years between 2002-03 and 2018-19, the number of individuals who filed tax returns grew 62%, but the number of people who paid income tax rose by only 22%. Total number of people who filed tax returns are 3.7 crore while actual who paid taz is at 2.4 crores only. But behold, its not just China that we are laggards, even Bangladesh is surpassing us in key development indexes.
To put things in better perspective, In IMF’s latest Economic Outlook, Bangladesh has overtaken India in GDP per capita. This simply means that while as a country we are way ahead of Bangladesh GDP almost 10 times, the bitter fact remains that if we compute per capita income we are behind it. That means a large number of our population is unproductive and is not contributing towards the nation’s development.
The IMF’s projections show that India is likely to grow faster next year and in all likelihood again surge ahead. But, given Bangladesh’s lower population growth and faster economic growth, India and Bangladesh are likely to be neck and neck for the foreseeable future in terms of per capita income.
The structure of Bangladesh’s economy is such that its GDP is led by the industrial sector, followed by the services sector. Both these sectors create a lot of jobs and are more remunerative than agriculture. India, on the other hand, has struggled to boost its industrial sector and has far too many people still dependent on agriculture.
The GDP of our country is pegged at around 2592.58 billion dollars giving per capita income at 1876.53 dollars compared to Bangladesh’s 317.75 billion dollar GDP giving per capita income of 1887.97 dollars in the year 2020 raising ahead of us.
Economies apart such a vast wasted human population becomes vulnerable to all kinds of political, ideological, foreign interference, social , religious disorders and need proper monitoring as well as training. While visiting a few Farmer protest spots on the highway we found that many such street persons were carrying the leftists red flag and joining the rallies. It is clear that such a population is exploited by the political outfits and others.
However the situation just not is restricted to such a grown up population. The same condition is with the youth and children who remain demotivated and without proper goals and training in life.
Conclusion and Solution:
We would like to request the Modi government, BJP as well as the Sangh parivar to look into this aspect more seriously and think of means and ways to bring this class of population under supervision as well as some kind of rigorous training and motivation.
To start with all school and college children must undergo one year compulsory NCC break after class 5th and also after class 10th with better training. The skill development part can be annexed in the second part of training after class 10th while the physical and moral character building can be done after class 5th. Suitable incentives can be given to students who show some distinction in their training sessions. This must be like the Indian reality shows Indian Idol and other which sees tremendous participation from across the country and one is pleasantly surprised to observe the talent that is available in the country. It is obvious that a vast number of talent in the country simply goes wasted because of lack of proper training, platform or identification. Therefore if the govt spreads her NET it can catch more people towards national development.
Therefore, if India has to perform well it is essential that it focuses on her human resources. The NEP which has come out recently must try to incorporate such training in her overall structure only then it will be successful. Else the country will keep wasting her vast GDP over an unproductive population that will be misled by one and all.
We urge the hon’ble minister of education , as well as other thinkers and organizations to take this into consideration.
Dr. Asheesh Shah