Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
First Afghan Muslim in CA Senate Got Dems to Pass Her Anti-Hindu Bill
Democrats have let themselves be dragged into Islamic attacks on Jews and Hindus.
California is moving to pass a “caste discrimination” bill. Strangest of all is that the bill comes from Sen. Aisha Wahab, the first Muslim and Afghan in the California State Senate.
After backlash from Hindus over a bill that was very clearly targeting them, Sen. Wahab and her political allies claimed that she was facing Islamophobia and death threats from “extremists”.
Time Magazine sent a Muslim journalist to interview Wahab about the Islamophobia she was suffering from.
And as the anti-Hindu bill moves closer to becoming law, the media has doubled down on this approach along with refusing to notice the obvious.
The affair has had repercussions for Wahab in her heavily South Asian district. It’s become a bitter lesson in the pitfalls of wading into nuanced cultural issues in an ever-more diverse nation.
Wahab, a progressive tapped by Newsom to highlight his signature gun control effort, appeared to be caught off guard by the vitriolic response to what she views as a straightforward issue.
“This is a civil rights bill,” she said in an interview. “It’s very simple. We’re trying to protect people.”
A Muslim legislator pushing a bill aimed at a practice that is stereotypically (and wrongly) associated with Hindus (in fact there’s caste discrimination in Pakistan as well and de facto in her own native Afghanistan) when Muslims and Hindus have a long history of conflict is not innocent. And it makes no particular sense to fail to mention the elephant in the room.
Even assuming Wahab was actually innocently unaware that there has been a longstanding conflict between Muslims and Hindus, and that Hindus in her district and around the world would feel attacked by this move, the media should have at least asked her about it instead of buying her act.
Now Democrats have let themselves be dragged into Islamic attacks on Jews and Hindus.
At some point, they may wonder if it’s worth it.
Sen. Wahab launched a 2020 congressional campaign for Rep. Eric Swalwell’s seat. So she would like to be in Congress which means her particular issues with Hindus, much like Rep. Ilhan Omar’s issues with Jews and Hindus, will likely be a national issue for her party as well.
Devasur says
Muslims bombing each other in her own country but she is worried about imaginary caste discrimination in America. CA is going to be a dead state when you persecute the most hardworking people in your state then automatically it is going towards destruction.
Pray Hard says
California is the dystopia we’ve watched in sci fi movies for decades.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
It’s already a dead state. About 5 million people have left California over the last 10 years, according to the Sacramento Bee, and next year, it’s losing Congressional seats as well as Electoral College seats. It’s sad to see what’s happened to a state where I lived for 11 good years, but I guess all things come to an end
mike says
this woman has just puhed every Hindus into the arms of the GOP
This will spread like the pleag into Illinois, NY, NJ
࿗Infidel࿘ says
I only wish! But enough Hindus are in fact HINOs who’ve been trying to port Critical Race Theory to castes to produce Critical Caste Theory. Since Asians – including Indians – are seen as “White-Adjacent”, the Dems are happily doing to Hindus what they have been doing to Whites all these decades
mike says
this woman has just puhed every Hindus into the arms of the GOP
This will spread like the pleag into Illinois, NY, NJ watch
mike says
this woman has just puhed every Hindus into the arms of the GOP
This will spread like the pleag into Illinois, NY, NJ watch
this is the hate that Islam has for the world
Madh Singh says
Aisha Wahab, the First Afghan Muslim in the CA Senate, brazenly did *exactly* what her religion (Islam) taught her to do towards the Hindus.
As soon as she assumed power, she brought an anti-Hindu bill from the blue based on false narratives and propaganda. SB-403 is NOT a “civil rights bill,” She is NOT “trying to protect people.” She brazenly attempted to stigmatize (prosperous and peaceful) Hindus as Nazis did to (prosperous and peaceful) Jews before WW II.
Walter Sieruk says
The stealth jihad continues…
࿗Infidel࿘ says
This particular jihad is pretty brazen
Pavithra Sair says
At some point the Hindus will have to address and apologize for the 6,000+ years of horrendous treatment of their lower castes. Until they do, they are an easy target for their enemies. Just because Pakistan and Afghanistan have the same system does not reduce the horrors of Hindu ill treatment of the lowers. The ONLY Hindus offended by this are the upper castes.
There is no danger of them abandoning the Democrats – they will never give up the easy immigration of their clans into the US and all the “free” stuff the Dems provide.
PRCS says
Sashi Begur says
The Hindus did not have castes for 6000 years, they had varnas and jatis. What the invaders did is create a caste and subjugated the natives to horrendous atrocities. The Christians missionaries converted the native Americans, it was that or perish, like the Mayans. The remaining descendentes were locked up in reservations. The Islamists from Turkey did the same thing to the Egyptians. Now the tried and tested formula is being used on Hindus
Pavithra Asir says
Whatever you call it the concept was the same. My community women were enslaved in the fields for the uppers and were not permitted to cover their upper bodies for the pleasure of their masters for 1000s of years. A Christian missionary was horrified by what he saw, educated us and we converted.
The invaders created castes? The British? Interesting accusation. ONLY the uppers called them invaders. Many lowers wish they had never left. While they ruled the uppers were held back a little and some lower communities escaped.
Once again, sounds like you are an upper by your hot defense of the “varnas” and “jatis”. So your opinions are not a big surprise.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
Varnas – profession based groupings of people, of which there were largely 4: Priests/teachers, Warriors, Merchants and Workers. Contrary to propaganda, people could move b/w these categories
Jatis – clans which were originally based on varnas, but later mutated, partly due to intermarriage b/w the varnas. The main role of Jatis in society was in marriages, but today, even there, that hardly exists as probably a plurality of Hindus marry outside their jati. But they do form mini-communities and have their uses, like in Rajasthan, where people of one particular community support their comrades who are refugees from Pakistan from the same jati
Caste – a Portuguese/British stratification of society based on the aristocracy in Renaissance era Europe. Present in India across religions, but absent in Hindus living outside India, such as Nepal, Mauritius, Fiji and Guyana
࿗Infidel࿘ says
Not just that, varnas were something people could change. Reason you had birth based professions in Ancient India was that there wasn’t a strong reason to do something different from one’s parents, but one could if one wanted, w/ appropriate training. The only place jatis mattered was in marriage, since in Hinduism, a marriage is not just a union of 2 people, but an alliance of 2 families
The term “caste” was introduced by the Portuguese from their word “casta”, which was used to describe race, lineage, tribe or breed. In Latin America, it was used by both the Spaniards and the Portuguese to stratify society – which explains why the countries south of the border are nowhere near as prosperous as the US or Canada: upward mobility is unheard of, & people only attain them after coming to the US or Canada
Both the Portuguese & the Brits imposed stratified rules during their colonization of India – rules that didn’t exist in Hinduism even during muslim rule, let alone pre-islamic. If Dalits are upset about those arrangements, they need to work w/ other Hindus in cleaning up the laws in India – both the laws that promote socialism and secularism, as well as dismantle reservation laws, that haven’t done them much good but just aggravated relations b/w the jatis
One more point: Dalits have been more victimized by muslims than by other Hindus. Many of their traditional livelihoods, such as carpentry, meat production, leather, plumbing,… have been completely taken over by muslims. Also, many of the “love-jihad” incidents that happen in India happen to Dalit girls, and those woke Dalit parties, which are in alliances w/ muslims, never say a word against them over such atrocities
Pavthra Sair says
Good grief. It was optional? Come on, man!! I lived in India most of my life.
I am not saying this politician is right. But till upper Hindus acknowledge the horrors they inflicted through the caste system, their enemies have plenty of cannon fodder. Stop defending it and rewriting history. Be truthful and acknowledge what happened. That is the only way forward.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
I had lived in India long enough to know the sort of scam political parties there pull on people, inciting one caste against the other. I was there when former prime minister Weepy Singh declared that he’d implement the Mandal commission recommendations, causing a number of upper caste students to self-immolate, who felt that their futures were being snatched from them. It’s not much different from Dems in this country, as well as a lot of RINOs
In fact, even right now, the BJP government there is pushing not just the appeasement of “pasmandas”, but also special programs for Dalits. On top of that, there is also the SC/ST Act, in which any UC Hindu accused of anything by an SC/ST person is automatically assumed guilty, & hung to dry. Which is why your caste propaganda about UC Hindus just reeks of projection
࿗Infidel࿘ says
In India, you have affirmative action – known there as Reservations – for a whole host of “backward castes” – for over 70 years now, and it still hasn’t pulled you up? Upper caste Hindus are not the ones w/ any power, which is why those who can have been fleeing India for decades (just like Boers are fleeing South Africa). Combine that w/ socialism, which India was for the better part of its history, and it describes why it’s still a second rate economy, even though it’s b/w UK & France in terms of GDP
You can also keep smoking the idea that Hindus – particularly ones who care about the faith – will remain w/ Dems. Particularly when it’s obvious to everybody that it’s both an Islamic party and a Communist party
Pavithra Asir says
Going to assume from your response that you are an upper. Only uppers defend this.
My community was freed by Christ 6 generations ago from perverted upper caste oppression. Affirmative action in India is a joke – all the upper castes have fake backward or scheduled caste certifications. And many pay others to take their exams – they boast openly about it. But the oppression and slavery of the lowers is as old as the religion.
My point is that until India acknowledges and apologizes for their sins, Muslims have a valid weapon again them. You can’t pretend it din’t happen.
Socialism did not help India but the wholesale looting of the country is what is holding India down. Hindiutva is imposing their dystopia on India while they transfer their assets and families to the West.
With BRICS established they may move to Iran, Russia or China (maybe), but the problem is the same. They create unlivable conditions in India while they move on to safety.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
If you’re a convert to Christianity, then you presumably have been liberated. In which case, why are you still bellyaching about caste? Those who share your opinions have switched to non-Hindu faiths, like Buddhism or Christianity, so they supposedly shouldn’t be the subject of persecution. Right? RIGHT? And those who’ve remained Hindus either have their own pride in their caste, or consider themselves Hindus & nothing less, like I do (Incidentally, my caste is none of your business, so STFU)
The wholesale looting that you ascribe to India is a direct result of socialism. Like Andrew Wilkow says, “Socialism is not for the socialist: it’s for everyone else.” But if upper castes were the ones running things, why are they the ones leaving, rather than the Dalits?
Also, the idea that Indians would move to China or Iran is beyond laughable: you’ve gotta be smoking something really good. For the last several months, it’s an open secret that Iran is one of those countries internationally inciting hatred of Hindus, and despite being shi’a, Iran is a favorite country of Pakistanis. Similarly, given China’s own Han racism, the idea that any non-Han from anywhere in the world would wanna go there is just as ludicrous. As for Russia, the only Hindus I’ve ever heard of going there are some Hare-Krishna missionaries, and a few others (like Swami Yati Narasinghnand Giri, who used to study in Russia during the Yeltsin era)
If you wanna know who’s in control of any country, just look at who’s leaving that country vs who’s staying. That’ll tell you the story
Nb says
The space for your development and progress, is being ceded by the same people. You need to graciously admit.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
One more thing – Hindus, like Jews, don’t get any free stuff from the Dems. These days, it goes exclusively to illegal aliens: not even Blacks or Hispanics get it any more
Pavithra Sair says
Lets not forget every family member imported in and put on Social Security and enjoying free healthcare, living here or in the home country. None paid into the system.
snehal brahmbhatt says
Hindus never persecuted other Hindus. This is just a lie that has been propagated through out the history. Show me one historical fact that this has occurred. In fact our ancient Rishis were from all gotras not just brahmins. This lady will loose her political place soon. Which bill has she passed to protect women’s rights in Afghanistan?
࿗Infidel࿘ says
Unfortunately, she won’t lose her place, since the entire Democrat congressional party in the state has voted for her bill, and Newsome is more likely than not to sign off on it. California is now a Democrat monopoly, and the bulk of people who could have swung it to the Right have fled to other states. On top of that, she is from Hayward – a city in the East Bay b/w Fremont and Oakland, and the entire Bay Area is extremely blue: a republican couldn’t be elected dog catcher (assuming that they still catch dogs there)
As I noted below, this move to write off the Hindu vote had to come from much higher up: it couldn’t have been made at Aisha Wahab’s level
Devasur says
Proof for your bogus claim? even libertards don’t make such ridiculous claims, no wonder Christianity is easily destroyed by libertards. Are you saying that the Indus Valley and Vedic civilization are the same? ONLY HINDUS who make this ridiculous claim are the ones who want freebies forever without ever wanting to work and are neo-converts. Like clans are exclusive to upper caste Hindus, Haters like you can only spew hatred as you people don’t have anything to back up your ridiculous claims.
Ex-muslim says
So, what does the US senate have to do with domestic conflicts in other countries? While hindus are the largest population in the USA, a minority from a well known war zone that keep killing hindus and christians is supported by what is supposed to be the greatest country on earth? The USA’s obligations are to protect the suppressed minorities in the Islamic countries like christians and yizidis rather than supporting the Islamic terrorism. We live in a scary disgusting world.
Pavithra Sair says
The caste system is here in America. Look up the caste bias case against Cisco. Corrupt CA courts have dismissed it but the suit is ongoing. I saw it on US college campuses and the ethnic communities here.
We asians know how to put on different faces for different audiences.
Sashi Begur says
Really the corrupt cA courts, were they able to prove anything after dragging the engineers name in the mid for 3 years ?
Pavithra Sair says
Plenty of proof. You just have to hang out at Indian communities. The state is still pursuing the case – upper caste managers would not give a lower caste fellow-countryman a chance.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
In the Cisco case, as I pointed out elsewhere, the defendant was someone who is in fact an agnostic Hindu, & doesn’t believe in caste. Not just that, he supported the plaintiff for a good portion of his career. A fall-out b/w them brought this to court, where the plaintiff used caste to try & bismirch the defendant’s reputation, but in the process, put all Hindus in the crosshairs of the Dems
If you are a Dalit, and your resume goes to a company whose HR department is unlikely to know the differences b/w Brahmins & Dalits, do you think they’ll risk it w/ your resume? They’ll probably say to themselves, “If we hire a Hindu, we’ll get dinged w/ hiring the wrong caste, which we can’t legally ask about, so let’s not waste time considering him”. In the end, every Hindu will be discriminated against. If a day comes in India when Reservations are abolished and a capitalist meritocracy is installed, you’ll see a major exodus of Hindus from the West back to India
CVA says
I can’t believe that you are still talking abt the caste disc case in Cisco. After it was dismissed with prejudice. Do u think it is fair to target ppl as Brahmins and drag their name through the mud without any proof?
Why was unreliable data used in the Cisco case by Equality labs? How can data for caste disc be gathered from around the world, when the law is a USA law?
Why were dishonest tactics needed to push a case?
Didn’t Sundar Iyer himself offer the job to John Doe? John Doe’s renumeration was much higher than many other Indian s/w engineer’s renumeration. The only issue is he said that John Doe was not on the main list. Isn;t that the truth?
Isn’t a harassment case for much more serious things? And what did Kompella do except for asking for status reports?
I believe Prem Pariyar when he said he faced a housing issue. But when ppl talk about the Cisco case, they are just looking to cash in on victimhood. Pls provide proof b4 u make allegations.
Devasur says
Anyone who doesn’t support your agenda is corrupt? Is that your proof? bias exists in colleges and within every community. That’s your proof? So your imagination is the proof? talk about ridiculous standards for Hindus and no standards for others.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
Not even the US Senate: it’s a state senate – in this case, California. Just like you have cities like Berkeley, Minneapolis et al passing resolutions every now & then condemning Zionism or Hindutva, you now have this senate do to Hindus what the Dems have been doing to Whites for decades
This is why Americans ought to emphatically reject anybody – Democrat or Republican – who is not America First – and America only! Hindus in the US are doing fine on merit, & are not sponges on government. What they have to do is stop voting (D), even if they have any reservations about (R). While Hindus in India need to vote for Ekam Sanatan Bharat
snehal brahmbhatt says
Dems will pay for this mistake and others in coming elections. They lost my vote because of this lady.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
Lost your vote? Why did you ever support the Dems?
mjazzguitar says
Now they are considering a bill to make it illegal to interfere with someone shoplifting.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
I just wonder why anybody bothers having a store in California? A while back, when I heard about how a Marshalls, or some such store, in Hemet, was looted, I was shocked! That place is way deep in Riverside County, and was still pretty red, last I checked
࿗Infidel࿘ says
Forgot to add – they’re probably reacting to the episode at Stockton where a poor shoplifter was beaten by 2 Sikhs for trying to shoplift
somehistory says
Elected scum. worse than pond scum which can spontaneously combust and make a smoke that conceals everything. This elected scum has managed to conceal her true intent…for the time being….from those who walk in the dirty smoke of her burning.
The default position of mozlums caught in their own mire….claim they have been threatened and their foes are ‘phobic.’
Pray Hard says
The self loathing in California is at an all time high.
PRCS says
The ugly realities of caste inequality and discrimination also shape the lives of South Asian communities in the diaspora. In the U.S., two recent lawsuits have exposed the pervasiveness of caste dynamics far beyond the borders of South Asia.
The first lawsuit was filed in June 2020 against the software company Cisco Systems. Brought by the California Department for Fair Employment and Housing, it alleges that the company failed to address caste discrimination against an employee from the Dalit caste by two supervisors from more privileged caste backgrounds.
The second was filed in May 2021 against the Hindu trust BAPS (Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha), a nonprofit that since 2009 has had the status of a 501 (c)(3) organization. It was brought by lawyers representing a group of Dalits who claim that they were brought to the United States under the R1 visa for religious workers and forced into underpaid, exploitative construction work on a Hindu temple in New Jersey. Both lawsuits reveal practices of caste discrimination and exploitation within America’s racially stratified workforce.
The caste system is not going away in India. Hindus on the lower caste rungs are essentially stuck there.
But–as it is overtly discriminatory–it violates U.S. EEOC laws and has no legitimate place in American businesses.
Janwaar Bibi says
You “forgot” to mention both lawsuits were dismissed. Taqiyya much?
Pavithra Sair says
The Civil Rights Department finds enough merit in the cases to continue the fight. Upper caste much?
PRCS says
Thank you Pavithra.
Excellent retort!
Who else supports caste discrimination but upper caste bigots?
࿗Infidel࿘ says
The California Civil Rights Department. The Department that has to manufacture cases to justify its very existence
gravenimage says
PRCS is a staunch anti-Jihadist. No Taqiyya there.
PRCS says
Haven’t seen many posts by you lately.
PRCS says
No, clown.
As I’m not a Muslim—I don’t do taqiyya.
Sashi Begur says
The case against Cisco engineers has been dismissed and the BAPS workers have withdrawn their case.
As to the case against Cisco CRD stands to profit by suing a company, the company will settle and CRD gets a percentage of the revenue.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
Major reason Hindu groups are riled about his is that it’ll open the windows to future discrimination against all Hindus:
➤ Company Acme Inc. will neither know nor care who’s Brahmin or who’s Dalit, nor will they want the headaches from intrusive government departments
➤ As a result, they’ll pass on any Hindu resumes on the desk, and avoid the problem altogether
Other issue in the US is that what starts in California invariably spreads all over the country, or at least, to other major parts. Like homelessness, drug use, shitting in the streets, going around nude, which was once only in places like San Francisco and LA, is now there in NYC. Similar laws could easily spread to other blue states, which is where most Hindus live: there ain’t too many in states like ID, WY, ND, AR
Which is why it’s important for Hindu-Americans to forget the history of people like John F Kennedy, Pat Moynihan or Stephen Solarz, and recognize that today’s Democrat Party is the party of Ilhan, Rashida and Aisha. Or in Indian terms, like the I.N.D.I.A. alliance that is secular, anti-Hindu wherever it’s in power
Sb says
Pavithra Sair says
Straw men – which hindus have not been hired? This is not happening. All this imagined backlash is to cover themselves in martydom and victimhood and deflect the truth.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
Well, you didn’t have this law until now. Once it passes, watch what happens. If you live in California, good luck finding a job yourself – not b’cos of some casteist Brahmin, but your normal White/Hispanic/Black American potential employers, who’ll be too scared to hire you b’cos they wouldn’t wanna be sued by the CRD
Pavithra Sair says
BAPS claimed the workers gained good karma by being their slaves. This how the uppers have ground their lowers for millennia. Religion benefits the Brahmins and uppers while sucking the life out of the lowers.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
Janwaar is right. I’m not familiar w/ the BAPS case, but in the Cisco case, the lawsuit was dismissed. There are a few more salient points about that case:
➤ The defendant in that case was someone who stated that he wasn’t a practicing Hindu, let alone Brahmin. Yet, his caste was assumed from his last name, regardless of whether he believed in it or not
➤ The plaintiff in the case was supported by the defendant for much of his career, & the reason this case was brought was a fallout b/w the 2 men
This whole campaign on caste is disgruntled HINOs, be it from India or locally grown, taking a page out of BLM and trying to play the same game against “upper-caste” Hindus that Black advocacy groups have played against Whites. Never mind the fact that India has an even deeper rooted Affirmative Action program in all states (some more than others) that does for/to Dalits exactly what the same program in the US does for/to Blacks. That’s a part of the reason that many Hindus have left India for the US. In fact, Dr Thomas Sowell cited this program in the past while discussing the effect of that program on the people it’s supposed to help
Claiming that lower caste Hindus are stuck at the bottom is like claiming that Black Americans are stuck at the bottom. The parallels are exact! In both countries, what inflames race/caste relations is both Affirmative Action, as well as critical race theory/critical caste theory. Note that Indian wokesters have just taken Western woke concepts & just ported it to India, regardless of any situational differences b/w the two
If you like discrimination against Whites, you’ll love caste based discrimination against Hindus
Pavithra Sair says
So, 100s of millions of Indians “chose” to be enslaved and “untouchable” to the upper castes for 1000s of years. It was all optional? The mendacity of the upper castes appears to know no end. Sigh.
Yes, affirmative action in India gave the lowers a chance but the uppers lost nothing. A bundle of cash at the tehsildar’s office turned all of them into lower castes. Everything is for sale for India, including affirmative action.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
Did you even read what you just wrote? A handful of upper castes managed to con hundreds of millions of other Hindus to be enslaved, untouchable, et al? Fact is that untouchability did not exist in pre-colonial India, and neither did slavery in pre-islamic India. People had their roles cut out, and most of them dutifully did it. That was the cornerstone of the community, which everybody was fine w/, until the great Europeans arrived
Cite for me the ancient literature – be it Vedas, Puranas, Epics… that shows that untouchability existed, or for that matter, slavery. The only time the issue came up was during cremation of bodies, or the slaughter of animals: the person doing either needed to be washed before he interacted w/ others, irrespective of caste. Like I said to PRCS, the onus of proving all this atrocity literature is on you, not the people you are accusing
Pavithra Sair says
“Fact is that untouchability did not exist in pre-colonial India, and neither did slavery in pre-islamic India.”
I know the history of my community long before the British and Moghuls and our path to freedom. I know that my community was not alone. So this new fiction makes the upper Hindus morally equivalent to the taqiya spouters. History is being rewritten by the uppers to blame the British and Moguls with instituting the caste system and untouchability! India was a communal paradise before them, do you say? Obviously for the uppers and that is all they/you care about. Slavery exists in India now. But one can’t fight hindu taqiyah any more easily than islamic taqiya.
Too bad. Only when there is acknowledgement and rejection of bad ideas can they be removed. God have mercy and He will.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
So cite me the contemporaneous literature that proves your point. Even the accounts of Megasthenes (who was Macedonian) or Huien Tsang & Fa Hein (who were Chinese) don’t prove your point. They were independent accounts of what society was like there, and they say nothing about all that bondage
In fact, even under the muslims, Hindu society was not stratified, since muslims were only interested in jihad, not social engineering like the Brits. All the literature that exists to the contrary was written in the 19th century and later, when the Brits started tinkering around the edges. But even under the Turkic rulers, it wasn’t the case, as the historical accounts of Turkic historians attests
Vishnujana says
Megasthenes was Greek from Asia Minor. Macedonians are also Greeks btw.
Devasur says
Ironically which was created by Christians as a caste originates from Portuguese system. Yet the blame is on Hindus? By your own logic using the George Floyd case then white supremacism and racism are a reality. When it comes to Hindus you support wokes just like indian christians but oppose them when it comes to Christianity. Talk about the hypocrisy. No wonder wokes, Islamists and Christians are in alliance when it comes to Hindus.
So create imaginary caste discrimination case to demonise hindus.
Madh Singh says
Aisha Wahab, the First Afghan Muslim in the CA Senate, brazenly did *exactly* what her religion (Islam) taught her to do towards the Hindus.
As soon as she assumed power, she brought an anti-Hindu bill from the blue based on false narratives and propaganda. SB-403 is NOT a “civil rights bill,” She is NOT “trying to protect people.” She brazenly attempted to stigmatize (prosperous and peaceful) Hindus as Nazis did to (prosperous and peaceful) Jews before WW II.
PRCS says
Does the caste system violate U.S. labor laws?
PRCS says
What’s your position on the caste system in U.S. workplaces?
࿗Infidel࿘ says
It doesn’t exist! You need to stop swallowing woke propaganda. If you don’t believe that Whites persecute Blacks – which they don’t, there is no reason to believe that upper caste Hindus persecute Dalits. Especially in India, which has an Affirmative Action program in every state in colleges & universities. That’s why you have so many Indians in Western countries in the first place. If India was a meritorious country, you’d have about as many Hindus as Daoists in the West
PRCS says
“It doesn’t exist!”
Citations, please.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
No, the burden of proof is on you! It’s guilt that has to be proven in any court of law, not innocence!
somehistory says
So right, Infidel. “It’s guilt that has to be proven in any court of law, not innocence!”
Pavithra Sair says
Well, if you want to think that what the Hindu uppers did is okay because the Turks did it, I guess you must be an upper. Indian not Hindu? Wow. Well, I guess we’ll just deserve the slings and arrows thrown by the Muslims.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
Which post are you responding to?
PRCS says
No, infidel, the burden is on you as YOU stated–flatley–“It doesn’t exist”.
Guilt? Your post is the proof.
So, again: citations, please.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
If someone sues you in a court accusing you of, say, discrimination, it’s he who has to prove it. Not you who have to disprove it. For the same reason that if someone accuses you of rape, vandalism, arson,… the onus is on him to prove it
It’s that same thing here: people who claim that UC Hindus are persecuting Dalits need to prove that. The people being accused ain’t the ones who need to demonstrate their innocence, just like in any courtroom
PRCS says
We’re not in a court of law, infidel.
YOU stated–emphatically–that a caste system in U.S. workplaces does not exist.
If you have nothing to back that up–it’s just your opinion.
The burden of proof is yours.
Pavithra Sair says
If caste doesn’t exist, none of the laws she passes affect Hindus. So, why worry?
࿗Infidel࿘ says
You are a pedo! We’re not in a court of law, so prove me wrong! The onus is not on me, right?
I explained why above. Even if casteism does not exist, companies know that if they hire Hindus, the California CRD will investigate them if anybody down the line files cases alleging misbehavior by those Hindus. Unlike you, companies aren’t experts in identifying people’s castes, so they’ll not know whether they’re hiring Brahmins or Dalits, and what the implications are down the road
So if they see any resume w/ a Hindu name, be it Sharma or Chauhan or Patel or Sair, they’ll just pass on that resume & toss it into the recycler. It’s not that they want to be sure that they’re hiring the right caste: they won’t want that headache in the first place! So every Hindu, no matter what his or her caste is, will be passed over regardless of whether or not s/he qualifies for a job
It’s easy for an Afghan muslimah, probably incapable of doing anything else, to come up w/ a proposal like this that has zero impact on her own community, but would pretty much end employment for Hindus in California
Also, I expect Gavin Newsome to sign it: he’s not gonna reject a proposal that was voted on exclusively party lines
James Lincoln says
Something about “proving a negative”…
PRCS says
The question to Madh Sing was “What’s your position on the caste system in U.S. workplaces?”
YOU stated “It doesn’t exist”
You are unwilling to prove that your unequivocal assertion is nothing more than your opinion—because you can’t.
And that makes me a pedophile?
somehistory says
Exactly. A “negative” can only be proven by a positive. That’s why Perry Mason always looked for the real perp when he was preparing to defend his client. He couldn’t prove his client didn’t do it, but could prove someone else did.
And if court rules don’t apply here, then each one can make up his own rules, so one individual can’t just order others to “prove it,” “cite sources,” etc. and all others have to follow that one’s made up stuff. If one insists on things being “proven,” they should be the one to prove it.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
My allegation was a hypothetical. Just like yours is, in fact. In any court, if someone accused you of being a pedophile, the burden of proof would be on that person. But here, you’re stating that those rules don’t apply b’cos we’re not in a courtroom. So go ahead, prove it, since the burden is no longer on me
Proving that discrimination exists is impossible. One would have to show that in companies, particularly one as public as Cisco, some mid level manager has so much power that he can use something as subjective as caste to decide who to hire, fire, promote or demote. In the case you cited, I went through the details, and it turns out that the 2 legal combatants were in fact on good terms at one time – the defendant actually financially supported him even out of his own pocket for a while. He was also on record as stating that he didn’t believe in castes. So on what basis do you assume that he was lying
Beyond this Cisco case, if you’re gonna allege that this sort of behavior happens in other companies, the burden of proof is on you. They’re not the ones required to prove their innocence, even if it’s in the streets of Tasman Drive in San Jose
Like I explained to your pal Sair above, once this bill becomes law, no company in its right mind in California will wanna hire any Hindu, regardless of whether or not he’s qualified for a job. Why would anyone wanna expose themselves to such legal risk of being sued by a government w/ deep pockets, which can print its own money or run on a deficit?
PRCS says
I’m not going to let you get off track, infidel.
The question to Madh Sing was “What’s your position on the caste system in U.S. workplaces?”
That wasn’t a hypothetical. It was a question relevant to the issue at hand.
Your answer to that question was:that the caste system does not exist in U.S. workplacs.
You are unwilling to prove that your unequivocal assertion is nothing more than your opinion—because you can’t.
Yes, the burden to prove the veracity of your assertion is yours alone.
You made the post.
Own it.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
I’m not off track. I already explained – and another poster above did as well – how the Cisco case did not demonstrate caste discrimination. So that one is cleared
You then claim, out of nowhere, that caste discrimination is present in other workplaces either in California or beyond. That’s for you to prove. Otherwise, your claim is as vapid as the average BLM activist who claims that racial discrimination against non-Whites exist in workplaces, w/o presenting any data
You don’t get to make these claims w/o backing them up. And no, it’s not up to people who disagree w/ you to produce evidence showing that there’s no casteism
Pavithra Sair says
Hindu taqiya – it doesn’t exist. Never existed. The British forced it on India.
Never mind that the mostly silent lowers know it does and have experienced it in India and here.
The uppers suddenly care about their reputation and will deny its very existence, pointing fingers everywhere but themselves.
Does it matter were the taqiya comes from? Islam or India.
But truth will out. Of that we can be sure.
Vishnujana says
Is the most racist of all religions and caste ridden.
Filthy Saudis just slaughtered a bunch of black migrants at their border. They’ve been slaughtering Yemeni children in wars and sanctions for years. Anyone who promotes them is scum. They are part of a giant death cult called Islam.
They part of a death cult: Islam. Muslims, people known to murder their own family for the most trivial reasons, so-called “honor killings.”
Assassinations of the innocent are part of their condemned scriptures. Mohammed orders it. Muslims believe the end of the world will come when Jews run from them and the rocks hiding the Jews rat them out to the Muslims who come and massacre them: in other words it’s not Muslims defending against Jews, it’s Muslims committing genocide.
These include Abu Afak, who was over one hundred years old, and the poetess Asma bint Marwan. Abu Afak was killed in his sleep, in response to Muhammad’s question, “Who will avenge me on this scoundrel?” Similarly, Muhammad on another occasion cried out, “Will no one rid me of this daughter of Marwan?” One of his followers, Umayr ibn Adi, went to her house that night, where he found her sleeping next to her children. The youngest, a nursing babe, was in her arms. But that didn’t stop Umayr from murdering her and the baby as well. Muhammad commended him: “You have done a great service to Allah and His Messenger, Umayr!” (Ibn Ishaq, 674-676)
General Patton in a 1943 letter, called them “the mixture of all the bad races on earth.” He said the further East you go the worse they get.
Casablanca June 9 1943:
Another similarity between the Arab and the Mexican is the utter callousness with which both treat animals. Neither an Arab nor a Mexican would think of unpacking an animal during a prolonged halt. If the beast is chafed raw, the Arab does not even bother to treat the wound with lard, which is the invariable panacea with the Mexican. He just lets it bleed and trusts to Allah. Because a horse is dead lame is no reason for not working him. All the animals are head-shy and many are blind as a result of the cheerful custom of beating them on the head with a stick. The method of castrating sheep and cattle is unspeakably cruel. I think that the reason that the horse and donkey are not altered is due to their architecture, which forbids the employment of the Arab method. One cannot but ponder the question: What if the Arabs had been Christians? To me it seems certain that the fatalistic teachings of Mohammed and the utter degradation of women is the outstanding cause for the arrested development of the Arab. He is exactly as he was around the year 700, while we have kept on developing. Here, I think, is a text for some eloquent sermon on the virtues of Christianity.
-Patton, War As I Knew It
The great humane perfect human Mohammed also sanctioned cowardly night attacks on enemies and the killing of innocent children and women when explicitly asked by his rat-faced followers: The prophet passed by me at a place called Al-Abwa’ or Wadan, and was asked whether it was permissible to attack Al-Mushrikun [unbelieving] warriors at night with the with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. The prophet replied, “They (I.e. women and children) are from them (I.e. Al-Mushrikum)
-Mohammed, Bukhari vol 4 book 56 no 3012.
Muslims have no sense of chivalry like Christians and Hindus. Historian Sita Goel observe that the Muslim invaders of India paid no respect to the codes of warfare that prevailed there for centuries:
Islamic imperialism came with a different code—the Sunnah [tradition] of the Prophet. It required its warriors to fall upon the helpless civil population after a decisive victory had been won on the battlefield. It required them to sack and burn down villages and towns after the defenders had died fighting or had fled. The cows, the Brahmins, and the Bhikshus invited their special attention in mass murders of non-combatants. The temples and monasteries were their special targets in an orgy of pillage and arson. Those whom they did not kill, they captured and sold as slaves. (The Story of Islamic India, Voice of India, revised ed 1994, 44
“I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women” -Aisha, wife & former daughter-in-law of Mohammed (Bukhara, vol 7 book 77 no 5835).
Who in their right mind would become Muslim? Muslims fight over who was king of Arabia 1300 years ago. Sunnis side with his jealous wife Aisha while Shiites side with Mohammed’s buddy Ali. Apparently the latter insulted the former when he told Mohammed “there are plenty of other women to choose from. She was jealous of Mohammed’s new wife: his daughter-in-law.
It’s a perverse rape religion wherein a woman needs four witnesses to prove she was raped. Then again their “prophet” married a six year old and had sex with her at nine. Indeed if a woman doesn’t have four witnesses to her rape it’s confirmed an admission of adultery—that’s why in that filthy excuse of a civilized nation Pakistan, 75% of women in prisons are there for being victims of rape. In Nigeria these rape cases are turned around into fornication charges against the victim, resulting in death sentences for the women. Only international protest modified the sentences.
One of Mohamed’s wives (Jewish) Safiyya had the privilege of having her husband tortured and killed by Mohammed the same day “the prophet” married and raped her. What a guy—the perfect human according to Allah. Muslims to this day chant to the Jews the name Khaybar—the oasis where it happened, and the Muslims raided for slaves and booty, killing all the men & boys (the ones they didn’t rape—something kosher in Islam), raping the girls. They chant this in camaraderie with Israel I’m sure. Sweet people.
Many Muslims abandoned Islam after Mohammed’s so-called description of Jerusalem which was shady and apparently inaccurate—they challenged him to prove Buraq the flying donkey flew him to Jerusalem—the fable Muslims use to justify their terror war on Israel.
Even if Muslims wanted to befriend infidels, their death cult prohibits it. Another pearl from the Koran about religious coexistence: “Oh ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them [for friendship] is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.” (Qur’an 5:51)
And if a Muslim changes his mind about the death cult, Mohammed has a solution: “Whoever changed his religion, then kill him.” (Bukhari vol 9 book 88 no 6922; cf vol 4 book 56 no 3017).
“Hit the infidels wherever you find them.”
-Mohammed (Qur’an 9:5).
Indeed Mohamed hates Christians and Jews so much he banned them from Arabia and the modern Saudis try their hardest to keep it that way. To quote their cult leader: “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslims.” (Muslim, book 19 no 4366). Verily Islam considers Jews & Christians as cursed—ironic considering the current geopolitical landscape.
Murder in the name of Allah is the Muslim’s “best deed” he can perform: jihad fi sabil Allah, meaning armed struggle to establish Islamic hegemony is the best act they can perform (Qur’an 9:41). Their cult leader Mohammed was once asked “Guide me to such a deed as equals jihad (in reward).”
Mohammed answered “I do not find such a deed.” Bukhari vol 4 book 56 no 2785.
Islam teaches warefare means deceit. The influential American convert to Islam Hamza Yusuf in November 2004 invoked the Treaty of Hudaybiyya in exhorting Muslims to advance strategically towards their goals. “There are times when you have to live like sheep in order to live in the future like a lion.” (Zaigham Ali Mirza, “Muslim society ‘has lost ability to strategize,” Khaleej Times, November 3, 2004.
They presume all the evil in the world comes because Adam and Eve ate an apple, and Noah put millions of species on a boat—did the koalas and kangaroos swim over?
What if you never heard of Jesus or Mohammed? Is eternal life based on zip code?
࿗Infidel࿘ says
So cite me the literature from the periods in question, and not some atrocity literature written by 19th & 20th century authors who had a vested interest in getting awards from the Brits. Anything: the writings of the Mughals, the Sikhs, anybody!
I’ll wait. But not hold my breath
Devasur says
Because that law can be abused? are you that naive? Because you want to persecute the upper caste for no reason as even their existence hurts you. Isn’t this similar to how nazis behaved with Jews? Just like nazi’s hatred had no end so does yours.
Truth already came out case was dismissed.
Devasur says
First, provide proof for your claim Christian fanatic. I can too make hundreds of claims using the George Floyd incident which isn’t true unless you have proof for it.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
Actually, he’s an Atheist. A non-Left one at that, but just as logically devoid of sense
PRCS says
You’re way off track.
There is only ONE issue here.
Just one.
Having queried another poster concerning his position on the caste system in U.S. workplaces, you jumped in and–speaking for every American business from mom and pop stores to giant tech companiets–stated that it doesn’t exist.
That is utter nonsense.
I do NOT have to prove anything regarding THAT question.
That burden is yours alone, as you posted that ridiculous answer.
libertyORdeath says
First, we shouldn’t have to deal with either caste discrimination issues or muslims bitching about it. Less Indians and Muslims seems like a better idea than more government regulation.
Second, it violates one of our core rights – the freedom of association.
But that’s nothing new.
There hasn’t been true freedom of expression or association as the Constitution defines it in my lifetime thanks to the same type of leftist globalist as this invader, but I’m still holing out hope!
PRCS says
Freedom of association is a public right.
The primary issue, here, as I read it, is to prevent caste discrimination in the workplace (see lawsuits listed above).
Devasur says
Which have been dismissed, next it is your imaginary persecution because your hatred for Hindus is so great that you will use anything to demonize them similar to nazis.
PRCS says
Oh, yea, I just hate them.
AS to the Cisco lawsuit:
The Civil Rights Department sent a statement to The Associated Press on Monday saying the case against Cisco “remains ongoing.”
“We will continue to vigorously litigate the matter on behalf of the people of California,” it said, adding that it remains committed to “securing relief and ensuring company wide, corrective action.”
࿗Infidel࿘ says
Thanks for admitting it. I suspected as much!
࿗Infidel࿘ says
Less Indians – this is something India has to deal w/ so that the problem is dealt w/ at the source, rather than the destination. India needs to have a party/government that brings meritocracy into society, and end affirmative action everywhere. That, and promote free markets & capitalism, restore right to property and introduce a Second Amendment. Once they do that, all those Indians who otherwise have no affinity for the West won’t leave India in the first place, and the only ones who will are those who do so only b’cos they embrace the value system of the West
࿗Infidel࿘ says
In fact, the caste system is more an Indian rather than a Hindu system. Hindu communities in Nepal, Mauritius, Fiji and Guyana don’t observe it, while within India, non-Hindu faiths – not just Sikhs & Jains, but also Christians & Muslims observe it as well. As Daniel noted above, it’s there in Pakistan as well – not only are Turkic muslims considered elites, but within the descendants of converts, their pre-conversion castes are ported into islam. The idea that within Pakistan, all (sunni) muslims are equal is hogwash
The bigger question is – who all in the upper echelons of the Democrat Party – signed off on this? As we’ve seen in the running of this regime, despite the fact that POTUS hardly knows what’s going on outside his family circles, the people pulling the strings of this government (and party) – whether it’s Barack Obama, George Soros, Tom Steyer or anyone else – call all the shots, from provoking Russia in Ukraine, shutting down US oil production, ceding power to China vis a vis Taiwan,… make all major decisions
A decision as major as alienating a community that has historically tended more (D) than (R) (currently, Indian-Americans trend (D) over (R) 3:2) could not have been made at Aisha Wahab’s level: it had to be greenlighted (in a manner of speaking 😈) by the powers that be in the Democrat Party. It’s well known that President Obama disdained Hindus/India, but I wonder whether he was happy to let go of a voting bloc that had previously been loyal
Within the Indian-American community, there are the HINOs, who loathe Hinduism/Hindus & happily support the jihad against India: the Dems are not gonna lose their votes. The other part is the Hindu-American community, and they need to leave the Dems ASAP! In the past, we may have had misgivings about the GOP, what w/ President Bush’s constant statements about the goodness of islam or his warming up to Pakistan. But the Bush GOP is almost dead, outside Congress. In the past, there may have been the perception that the only way Hindus could get elected was by converting to Christianity. But today, people like Harmeet Dhillon or Vivek Ramaswamy or Sagar Enjeti are more popular in the party than Nikki Haley or Bobby Jindal. There is no good reason for Hindu-Americans to remain w/ the Democrat Party
I expect Hindu-Americans to follow the footsteps of their cousins across the pond, where in the UK, they have left Labour en-masse for the Tories. Hope that both Hindus & Jews break for Trump next November
Sb says
Janaki says
There is NO Cisco caste case as of April 10, 2023 when CA CRD voluntarily withdrew their caste case against 2 Cisco engineers with zero success in proving anything caste bias against John Doe! Sen Wahab knows & has repeatedly said current law is sufficient to address caste cases, but she insists on the ‘C’ word in SB 403 to deliberately profile & smear entire CA Hindu community! There’s zero police reports, HR complaints re caste! Wahab is fronting a Democratic smear campaign against Hindus for appeasing $ & vote commitment by anti-India groups in US!
Gurek says
Why not talk about the islamic apartheid and racism towards non-Muslim minorities in islamic hellholes which is a daily ocurrence.Sadly the USA is in bed with islamic terrorists. Our world is fastly islamizing and there are going to be very few space left for us Infidels.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
That’s b’cos the Democrat Party is a Communist Party and an Islamic Party both rolled into one. Although on the LGBTQIA+ issue, they do part ways w/ muslims
Pavithra Sair says
The Dem party exists fully funded and supported by their voters. They represent the desires of their voter base.
What they are implementing is the desire of their 81 million voters. Everything they do they have proclaimed loudly before the elections and received full support from their voters. So, at least 81 million voters are happy and have received everything they desired.
They cannot be opposed. This is the will of the people, at least that of the majority.
Devasur says
81 million voters only care about Hindu problems alone? Justify your communal bigotry as the will of people, then why did Hindus oppose it? Problems only exist with Hindus? Don’t you see Islamists stabbing one another? Cant expect logic from you can i?
࿗Infidel࿘ says
The Dems did not have 81 million voters. Stuffed ballot boxes, voting machines running statistical algorithms rather than simply tabulating votes and extended deadlines & laws altered on the fly w/o going thru legislature doesn’t amount to 81 million votes
Sell that old-wives’ tale somewhere else!
Satyam says
Caste came from casta (Portuguese) n introduced by Brit’s between 1890,s to 1920 ..their gazette created 40000 castes believe it or not… 1000s of which No bharatiya had ever heard of before
Their divide n rule policy pretty much like how they did to Hindus n Sikhs which were always 1 and same till even 1920s
Now the so called lower caste – an imaginary divide some vested groups continue to propagate to avail freebies & entitlements, endlessly. They crib n beat their chests louder n louder so the loudest baby gets others legitimate share.
They do this in Bharat n now everywhere…
Robin Datta says
Born in the Islamic Republic, never an Indian; first a Pakistani, then a Banglistani, then “dabaoed dumbh” and “manoed dau(r)dh” to the U.S.شکراً و لحمدُللّٰہ
Since there is no such thing as “hindu” in the shruti or the smirti, I also am not that: rather I am an advaitin. I do believe that the caste system is responsible for the existence of Pakistan and Banglistan.
Robin Datta says
That’s الحمدُللّٰہ.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
So why aren’t there more Pakistans or Bangladeshes all over India, if the caste system is what is responsible? And why don’t Hindus (I’ll pass on the semantic games for now) in Nepal, Mauritius, Fiji and Guyana – people who were taken to 3 of those places in the 19th century – why don’t they practice the caste system?
Most tellingly, if Dalits were persecuted the way some people allege, then why didn’t/don’t the bulk of them simply convert to islam/Christianity/something else? In India, some did convert to Buddhism, but since there are no other Buddhists in India (descended from the original Indian Buddhists, who were completely wiped out by the muslims), why do they still need reservations?
Make India a completely meritorious and a free market capitalist country, backed up w/ a Second Amendment, & the exodus of Hindus from that country – of any caste – will end!
Blougeoisie says
Caste system is part of Hinduism – if we can ban that cultural/religious symbol of oppression, we can definitely ban the cultural/religious symbol of oppression that is the head coverings of islam
Devasur says
False claim caste is not part of Hinduism. It is a system taken from Portuguese and Spanish racial systems for natives.
࿗Infidel࿘ says
Correct! See the above post by Sashi Begur and me on jatis and varnas, what they were and when they were applicable