Is it time to tell Napak Pak-istan a rogue state?. Have we become insensitive to the lives of Army men?


Is it time to tell Napak Pak-istan a rogue state?. Have we become insensitive
to the lives of Army men?

Recently one of the Rajya Sabha MP Rajeev Chandrashekhar introduced
a private bill to declare Pakistan a terrorist nation

All though it is not likely that this bill will get pass but there are some many
merits that need to be considered.

First and very importantly let us accept and acknowledge for once and for all
that Pakistan under the current mindset of its ‘Aakas’ will continue to keep attacking
India through Kashmir and other possible routes ( fake currency, terror etc.). Let us
therefore shed all emotional, diplomatic, courtesy, ‘Shisthachar’ aur what ever
one likes to call our foreign policy experts to keep engaging with Pakistan.

The Amritsar meet and coming of Sartaj Aziz is a waste of time
This has been tried umpteen times. Instead he must be asked what new is on the table.
Merely coming to India a day before does not mean and guarantee that India will offer its full
cooperation to them. Some of the media houses that are experts in this regard must be checked and
not allowed to show bonhomie.

When there is death in the house you don’t go cheering in the neighbourhood.

There is a systematic problem with Pakistan. First the issues with army and
the civilian government. Second the army will always find India a good proxy
to show its supremacy and superior status in the Pakistan society. Third it has
been a profitable business for the elitist army and civilian officers besides ISI
to garner as many funds in the name of war and terror from what ever sources
it can lay its hands upon.

And most importantly there is a DNA problem between Pakistan and India that
does not seem to have any amicable solution. And it is high time we accept this reality
all its seriousness and understand the consequences arising out of it.

Under the given circumstances and conditions it will be wise and in the interest
of the country to go for a long lasting foreign policy that has a strong defence marking.

Or in other words the MoD and the army should guide and shape the foreign
policy vice versa Pakistan. There is a remarkable contrast between views and hence policies
coming from foreign affairs and defence establishment. For various reasons the foreign office
gets more weightage than the MoD. This has to change. Diplomacy has its own short comings
and can work well only of the state is strong.

“Foreign policy choices are often presented as alternatives between two abstract categories: “idealism,”
meaning that nations should be motivated by ideals to the exclusion of practical concerns and self-interest,
and “realism,” meaning that nations are motivated primarily by the desire for more military and economic
power or security rather than by principles..”

These are the two extremes and there has to be element of prudence
which seeks balance between the two. India’s foreign policy has always been lofty and more towards
idealistic goals.

1. The present structure of India’s security concerns are also not very well addressed at the
organisational level. There is confusion and lack of clarity when it comes to top security advisors
and policy makers to the PM and bureaucratic hurdles in military decisions. None other than
Gen V. P Malik has highlighted this issue time and again. In his second book India’s Military Conflicts
and Diplomacy, he writes, ” Political and organizational factors continue to constrain the
involvement and effectiveness of military diplomacy….”.The hon’ble PM needs to review of this on
an urgent basis.

2. Second we need to understand the full ramification of nuclear war and means
and measures to minimise the losses in case an unfortunate event happens.

The manner in which things are happening and unfolding it will be unwise and
rather foolish to ignore the chances of a nuclear war. Rather we must keep the nuclear doctrine
ready and prepare ourselves for any eventuality.

Because so far we will tend to show our rationality and fear for nuclear war
Pakistan will keep attacking us on the borders knowing well that india will not
go for war. As the hon’ble defence minister has said there has to be an
element of ‘uncertainty’ else the enemy takes things for granted and is able to
prepare a strategy and execute it. Besides the probability of some Jehadi or terrorist element
getting hold of nuclear arsenal is always there and so is the probability of some
Junooni army general.

The biggest weapon Pakistan has is its nuclear arsenal and will keep
pressurising us through the same.

India has to bite the bullet and demonstrate convincingly to Pakistan that it will
be death Knell for its own survival and not India.

Unless this message is conveyed strongly the army and government of
Pakistan will not understand and stop its terror attack on the borders.

3. Finally the cost of each army person is very high and we must not take it as
routine. There are many options that can be tried at the borders. There has to
be unconventional measures that can match the Pakistani crookedness. We
can also raise a regiment of ‘Fidayeen’ who are not the regular army personnel
but people who are willing to lay their lives. They can be trained as the
Pakistan army trains terrorists and send across the border with heavy
insurance cover.

Second all army personnel must have small transmitters on their uniform
which can transmit their identity at the gates of any army barrack.

The third option for making borders with sensors is already been talked upon.

All these options must be taken with due urgency and implemented at the

Enough lives have been sacrificed and as a citizen of the country every time
someone lays his life at the borders my head goes high for their supreme sacrifice
but my heart also bleeds for our insensitive nature.

Recommended Reference: Handbook of Indian Defence Policy: Themes, Structures and Doctrines, Harish Pant.

Asheesh Shah
Author: Asheesh Shah

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