PM Modi has raised the standards so HIGH, that any new PM in future will find it difficult to keep the same levels..


PM Modi has raised the standards so HIGH, that any new PM in the future will find it difficult to keep the same levels.

Disclaimer: This is an independently written article by the author without allegiance to any political party, ideology or government. 

As we approach 2024 in fast mode, certain things have become clear, certain things have been very well implemented and certain things remain still unfinished. But one thing that is CERTAIN is that is,  PM Modi has raised the standards of Governance at the highest level so BIG that any incumbent in the future will find it hard to match the same. And if he / she is unable to maintain the standards the chances are he/she will be thrown out of power in the very next elections. 
If one sees all the PMs of independent India, Nehru, Indira Gandhi, and Manmohan Singh are the ones who ruled the most (16, 11, and 10 years plus respectively )  and got a lot of time to transform the country.

Out of them, Nehru is credited with building a new modern nation which is said to be his biggest legacy. But he failed miserably to countering China and his Foreign Policy was the biggest mistake so far. 

Indira Gandhi is credited to divide Pakistan and create Bangla Desh which is her best GIFT to the nation. But she divided our country so miserably with blatant divisive politics and made the bureaucracy and governance a slave of her office that it is still difficult to wash off those strains. Indeed a very BIG negative legacy that is hard to rub off. 
And former PM Manmohan Singh, we dont know what will be his lasting legacy but we know for sure that the BIGGEST INSULT to the NATION came under him when the Gandhi family ruled the country while he remained on the chair as a puppet for 10 years which is huge. So any positive reference to Manmohan Singh is rather difficult to find no matter how much FAIR and rational one wants to be. 

This brings us to the present PM Narendra Modi. PM Modi is a proactive, honest and able administrator who has done his best to bring the country on TRACK from the pitfalls of last 70  years or so. WE think that he is the only PM who has launched so many schemes for all sections of society. He is also the PM who has been in power in the most difficult times is also something that we cannot ignore. His Foreign Policy is second to none. The manner in which he has handled both Russia and US is really that all diplomats of future must be taught at Mussoorie as case studies.  
His defense preparedness has been on mark and has kept both Pakistan and China at bay. He has tried to tame the bureaucracy to a good extent – though there may be two opinions on the same. He has kept his fellow ministers under full control and one can say if corruption happens it happens only as an Exception and not rampant as was the practices in earlier regimes. 

He has been soft on opposition parties and opposition-ruled states at times which may backfire at some moment but with Modi one never knows what is in his mind . For he thinks quite ahead in the future. His decision to make India DIGITAL is a case in point. It is really difficult to pick one initiative which can be given importance. WE dont know whether we should say his efforts to tide over Corona, or abrogation of 370 or the Digital India vision, etc etc should be called as number 1 and legacy. For they all are stupendous tasks that has and will transform the country. 
Of course the critic will say his attempt to bring CAA and Farmers laws failed miserably but they are commas in the story and not full stops. We are still more than 2 years away form the next election which is indeed a big time. 
Overall one can say safely that the standards set by PM Modi surpass the work and good governance models of all previous Prime Ministers by huge margins. This clear lead also tells us that any future Prime Minister will now have a tough task to maintain the same standards. This is indeed GOOD for the country because we all need role models and HIGH Standards in life to emulate. WE can also say that any future PM who does not perform will be shown the door quickly by the citizens of the country. 


We are not here to praise PM Modi for nothing but we cant also ignore something that is visible fairly and conclusively. Having said that there are still 2 years of time for the government. While the government and PM Modi has set his gOALS HIGH and have implemented many there are still certain things that he is missing. When someone tries to lift the standards he also becomes vulnerable for very harsh scrutiny by the critics. Like Raja Rama who was a person par excellence but was criticised for the way leaving Sita ji. 

WE would like to request the PM to think about what is he forgetting and ignoring so far that can strengthen the nation in decades to come. He has passed the litmus tests and we dont think 2024 will be difficult for the party unless they do something very suicidal. But then one also has to maintain the momentum and PM Modi cannot afford to sit quietly and relax. Politicians need to take calculated risks in line with the public mood. Yes Mr PM, with all credit to you there is still something that India is waiting for you to complete. Lets hope they are done in the remaining time. 

Dr Asheesh Shah

Author: admin

To create policy awareness for a better INdia

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