The new Sar KaryaVah Sh Dattatreya Hosbole was nominated some time back. After serving for more than a decade Sh Suresh Joshi was relieved and the new administration in Sangh has taken the command in its hand.
As we have written earlier too Sh. Hosbole has come from his vast experience of ABVP and is considered close to many ABVP karyakarta even today. He is no newcomer to Indian politics and understands the soil and its politics very closely and minutely. Unlike other branches of the Sangh, the ABVP is one unit that has the mandate to indulge in political affairs of the country.
It is therefore good to see that the incumbent Sar Karyavah immediately has taken the work and challenges at hand. His tour of Uttar Pradesh is a good example of the same. [1]
Uttar Pradesh elections are very near and will be considered as the first serious test of the Modi government. It sends the highest number of MPs to the parliament is another important factor that may have some impact in 2024. After successfully carrying out the administration work of UP , CM Yogi Adityanath has come under serious criticism for handling the corona wave 2 crisis. We personally are of the opinion that Sh Yogi Aditya nath is a good and able administrator. Some media reports have suggested change in UP which will be suicidal in our view.
That, the Sar Karyavah has taken care not only to meet office bearers of the state but also local karyakartas is indeed a very important point of his UP tour. Normally a national level leader meets only a few of the top state level office bearers and ends the tour with the same. The local karyakartas are the real people who can provide genuine feedback and inputs to national leadership. This is what was missing during the recently held west Bengal elections and the BJP had to bear the losses.
Taking an analogy from cricket, we consider the first over of the sar karyavah quite satisfactory whereby he has made sure that no runs are scored and hence its a maiden over. Do note that under the analogy we have taken Sh Hosabole on the fielding side and not batting, for the Sangh will be always fielding and not batting like the government . The responsibilities of a fielding and a batting team are different. Governments may come and go but the Sangh has to always be on the fielding side.
The sar karyavah has also called the karyakartas and office bearers to be a ‘Samanvaya’ between the government and the people which is what we try to do with our blog post and web portal. This is another important statement coming from the Sarkaryavah. Today there is a greater need for the Sangh to bridge the gap between the Modi government and the ground realities.. We are of the opinion that only the Sangh and the good office of Sarkaryavah can fill this void as the government is getting cut off from the masses. This may prove to be very disastrous as PM Modi is the sole vote garner for the party and any disconnect with the citizens will prove to be suicidal.
Therefore the Sarkaryavah has to be in regular touch with the highest echelons of power and interact, sharing public perception versus government actions. The coming days will be more challenging as we move towards state elections and the 2024 lok sabha elections. We are not yet out of the woods as far as corona is also considered. Economy may still give some unpleasant shocks and unemployment can rise giving more anger and frustrations all around.
Education is an area that has not shown any shine during the past 7 years. NCERT is still without any director after the former director made a mess of it. The text books are full of left liberal doses and need immediate corrections. There are narratives to demean Brahmins and create divisive mindset . There are more than 20 central universities without VC. AICTE and UGC continue to work under self obsessed leadership without feeling the need to seek good advice from all around.
Farmers’ issue is still not solved and it seems that the protest may increase as the elections get nearer.
The risk on the borders may also unfold in the days and years to come with greater vigour.
Social Media will continue to create headaches for the government as the recent twitter incident has shown. States like West Bengal, Delhi , Maharashtra , Kerala and Tamilnadu will pose higher challenges under the state leadership.
The Sangh has to be in proactive mode and it is good to see that the sarkaryavah has started the new assignment on the right note. However there will be no room for complacency and breather as the future days will be really tough with multiple challenges from all sides.
We would like to request the Sangh team to be vigil and alert and be a guiding force to the government which may find itself cornered by the opposition and media. As they say, when the times are tough the tough gets going. This should be the mission line for the Sangh and Sarkaryavah. .
Dr. Asheesh Shah