Unnecessary controversies should not divert the real cause and focus- Some comments by Group of academicians before the tour of Narendra Modi to the United States are not only highly misguided but also suggest the growing popularity of the PM.
Detailed Report: A month ahead of Narendra Modi’s visit to Silicon Valley – the first by an Indian prime minister in 37 years – over 100 academics at US universities have shot off a letter warning major tech giants in the United States over the risks from security and privacy issues of the Digital India Project. However the main am of the letter seems to initiate propaganda war towards the Prime Minister of India before his tour to the United States.
The United States is a strong democratic country that provides freedom to all its citizens. Than there are strong lobby groups which at times misuse these freedom. There are reports that some other country from our neighborhood might be involved with such activities as the stature of Narendta Modi has boomed during the past one year and after his successful visits to many western and other countries.
One of the signatory to the letter is Wendy Doniger, the University of Chicago professor whose book on Hinduism was taken back by Penguin in India. Most of the signatory to the letter are not known beyond the realm of their limited professional activity. Such letters do not carry any meaning and are meant to get publicity and create some adverse news before the arrival of the PM. It is therefore best to ignore such news and focus on real issues for which the PM is taking the tour.
The link – http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/us-academics-warn-silicon-valley-narendra-modis-digital-india-programme-1517567 – provides the name of the signatories most of those are also from lesser known institutes and colleges.
It is also important to note that just after the letter another group has come out in strong support to the PM’s Digital India campaign. (http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/group-counters-us-academicians-concerns-over-pms-digital-india/)
Cyber security remains one of the biggest risk and needs proper framework:
Cyber Security issue pitched up as President Obama makes a remark against China just before the visit of Chinese premier to United States. Once again this demonstrate the importance of Cyber Security and a proper framework to implement the same.
Speaking to the Business Roundtable in Washington, Mr Obama said cyber espionage would “probably be one of the biggest topics that I discuss with President Xi”. The US president said he accepted that China and other nations, including the US, would pursue traditional espionage, such as trying to obtain transcripts of his conversations, but stressed that stealing commercial secrets was “an act of aggression that has to stop”.